Friday, July 19, 2013

Lulu and the Like...

So, you like writing, eh?  Me too.  As a matter of fact, that is one reason that I started this blog.  It is also a reason why I think that sites like are a great choice for those who want to self-publish.  As I recall, there was no startup cost, and the process for uploading a manuscript was, for the most part, simple and user-friendly.

Now to the burning question.  Is self-publishing on a site such as a good way to make money online?  The simple answer is that it depends.  You could write a very interesting book that is truly a masterpiece.  By promoting it on social media sites, to friends, by word of mouth, and through other means, others could reach the same conclusion.  If that is the case, sales of your book could soar, and instantly you would be the recipient of a very welcome windfall.  I believe that I've heard of at least one case where this has happened.  Likely, there are a relatively few number of cases just like the one I have described.  I would guess that for the vast majority of us a lot of hard work would go into marketing a self-published book.  For example, I am still trying to promote a book now that I self-published at the end of 2010.  By the way my book is called Drew's Rules: A Guide to Customer Service  and it can be purchased online at  You can also Google it on Amazon an EBay.

I have sold some copies of my book.   However, let me just say that I'm not planning to retire early from my day job just yet.   Sales will not necessarily come easy, and lots of work will go into marketing your self-published book.  This will be especially true if you are a new writer.  Also, although friends and family will almost undoubtedly support you, you may be surprised how many people don't rush out to purchase your new book.  However, there are many online resources on how to market your self-published book.  I learn something new every time that I read one of these. 

The best advice that I've heard is to keep writing.  I'm taking that advice with enthusiasm.  I really enjoy writing, and I believe that eventually I'll produce a literary work that will gain some popularity.  One day, Writing may even supplement my income or be the dominant source of my income.  I'm hopeful.

Unfortunately, self-publishing is not a quick fix for a person that needs extra cash in the hear-and-now.  If that is why you want to self-publish, I would advise doing something else.  Writing takes a great deal of patience.  Realizing significant income from writing will likely take any more patience.  However, if you like to write with the possibility of earning income down the line, by all means self-publishing is a good idea!

-Worker B

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